

Whipsnade Park Golf Club invites applications for membership in all categories. With a welcoming membership our Mens, Ladies, Senior and Junior sub sections offer a full schedule of competitions, matches and events aimed at players of all standards.

Our membership subscription year runs from 1st April until 31st March

All memberships are subject to an additional £23.75 England/Herts Golf Union Fee
Upon joining your "Membership Welcome Pack" will be available for collection from the Professional Shop, it is at this time you are required to add £50.00 credit to your club membership card. The Club Captain and President will be hosting welcome events for new members giving you all the information to make the most out of your membership. You are required to book into and attend one of these events.

Benenefis Include:
Reciprocal Golf

Full 7 day members are be entitled also to take advantage of the FREE reciprocal golf arrangement we have with the following golf clubs:

* St Neots Golf Club
* The Millbrook Golf Club
* Studley Wood Golf Club (£10 charge)
* Bedford & County (£15.00) Not available Wednesday
Times are subject to availability Monday - Friday
You are required to contact the club and arrange your tee time and ensure you have a letter of introduction to present to the club on your visit.

The club offers a full fixture list of events throughout the year. As a member you would have access to the members online tee booking platform which allows you to book times up to 14 days in advance! Lifestyle membership offers 7 days in advance tee booking.
7 Day 18-23 membership allows for play at weekends after 11.00am only.

You can also sign up to three guests in at a reduced members guest rate.

We are a club always looking forward and offer great incentives to members to encourage juniors into the game.
Juniors are required to attend Junior golf sessions and coaching organised by the Junior organiser and committee.

We have a very friendly social golf club atmosphere which encourages golfers of all abilities to join in the various events. We cater for all golfing abilities and are always looking at increasing participation of female golfers and couples.

Please contact us via the enquiries form for more information

Lifestyle Membership * - Please call the professional shop for more information.

We are delighted to share with you an opportunity ideally suited for the occasional golfer or those who want to try
the game, or our club, before committing to a full cost subscription.
Lifestyle Membership at Whipsnade Park Golf Club offers the opportunity to gain a handicap, become fully
involved in the club, enter competitions fun and competitive, play inter club golf with local clubs, make full use of
all of the club facilities, receive members discounts and play whenever is convenient with no restrictions.

The annual subscriptions start from £865.00 (+ golf union fees), which is then converted into "lifestyle points".
Points are then taken from your lifestyle card each time you play and there are three point bands that can be
seen in the grid below. When you run out of points, you can simply top up. Any unused top up points at the end
of the subscription year will roll over when you renew your membership.

Your Lifestyle Golf Card is only valid to use against rounds of golf for yourself.

£865.00 Includes 180 Lifestyle Points

You will be able to ask for a receipt to show how many points you have left so you know when you are running
low. If you need to top up then this can only be done in the Pro Shop or the Office and not in the Bar.
Please be aware that our processing system shows these points as Pounds but the points have no relationship to
Cash. If you lose your card then a new one is available from the Pro Shop at a cost of £5.

Top Up Points*
If you run out of points you can top up your lifestyle points throughout the year as follows.
£300.00 - 80 points

Only top up points not used before the end of the current subscription year will carry over
into the following year on payment of the following year’s subscriptions.

Membership Categories Membership Subscription Fee's 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026 England/Hertfordshire Golf Union Fee
Full 7 Day Membership £1320.00 £23.75
7 Day Under 30's Membership £695.00 £23.75
7 Day Under 35's Membership £965.00 £23.75
7 Day 18-23's Membership £515.00 £23.75
5 Day Membership £965.00 £23.75
Lifestyle Membership £865.00 £23.75
Junior under 11 Membership £95.00 £17.50
Junior 11-17 Membership £125.00 £17.50

Lifestyle Membership Points

Lifestyle Membership Points High= 7Pts Medium= 5Pts Low= 3 Pts
Time/Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Until 1pm Medium High High Medium High High High
1pm-4pm Low Medium Low Low Medium Medium Medium
After 4pm Low High Medium Medium High Low Low

Whipsnade park golf club welcomes applications for membership in all categories, with a welcoming membership.

Our Men's, Ladies, Senior's and Junior's sub sections offer a full schedule of competitions, matches and events aimed at players of all standards.

We offer a variety of membership schemes to suit all lifestyles from full 7 day and 5-day membership allowing unlimited use of the facilities to Lifestyle Membership with a points scheme that is adopted for every time you play.

Our membership year at Whipsnade Park Golf Club begins on the 1st of April and runs for 12 months to the 31st of March.

We encourage joining midway through our membership year and charge accordingly, pro-rata. Should you require, we offer a direct debit facility to help split the cost via a company at an additional cost.

Entitles members to use all the facilities seven days a week and play in all competitions.
Priority two week (14 days) advance tee bookings.

Entitles members to use all the facilities five days a week (Mon-Fri)

lifestyle membership allow you to play seven days a week and in competitions. Depending on when you play the relevant points will be deducted from your lifestyle Membership card. 7-day advance tee booking.

Ladies Section

Our Ladies section meet Wednesday morning from 10.00am for either social or competition golf. Events run throughout the year and we encourage all our lady members to join in, regardless of ability.

Senior's Section

Seniors Day run throughout the year on Tuesday's. Organised by the sections committee a week doesn't go by without either a competition, a club match or social golf. All members whose age qualifies for the section are welcome to join and participate.

Junior Section

Whipsnade Park Golf Club is committed to the development of junior golf within the club. Various incentives are offered to members to encourage there children/grandchild, to take up golf and join the club.
Under the supervision of the clubs junior organiser regular weekend golf (Summer Months - Sunday @14.00hrs, Winter Months Saturday @ 13.30hrs) is organised. With various competitions and fun events, along with professional tuition we aim at making golf enjoyable and fun for all ability's. We expect all juniors to attend the weekend golf as much as possible.


Juniors are not permitted to play Saturday's before 12 noon.
Should there handicaps permit they may enter drawn competitions and be paired with an adult member before this time (subject to availability)